Author: Daafram Campbell

Guest Blog: How to Be At Your Best When It Really Counts


Think back over the past week or so, did you have a particularly tough day? Did anything go “not your way?” Were you surprised by an opportunity that quite frankly you just weren’t ready for? You have the choice every day to show up as the best version of yourself. As an employee. As an entrepreneur. As a parent. As a friend…the list goes on. Sure, you may know it when you see it, but how can you make choices in advance so that you are at your best…more?

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7 Successful Tips to Grow Your Professional Network Like a Pro


In corporate America, your rise to the top can be determined by a host of contributing factors such as your passion, drive, determination, intelligence, self-discipline, quick wit – just to name a few. Although these traits can significantly contribute to your overall success, not having a strong, well-rounded professional network can inadvertently stagger growth in your professional life. I know you’ve heard the saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Well, it’s true. Having a strong professional network of like-minded individuals, with a shared interest, will dramatically improve your chances of success over time.

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